Before 2013, I had not taken many pictures of white wildflowers on my hikes and trail runs, which are primarily in the foothills of Jefferson County. White flowers did not seem to be as common as yellow and purple. In 2013, with my camera always ready and with my eyes open for anything different, I was excited to find several white flowers that were new to me. Miner's Candleflower and Sand Lilies were my favorite new finds.
I am still discovering new white flowers in 2014 including White (Carolina) Larkspur, Solomon's Plume (a shady plant), White Campion, Fairy Trumpet, and Scarlet Gaura. According to
Eastern Colorado Wildflowers, Scarlet Gaura starts out with white flowers that turn pink as the blooms age.
In 2015, my new finds were Spotted Saxifrage and a flower that is really green and not white - Green Gentian.
Solomon's Plume |
Scorpionweed |
White Campion |
Death Camas |
Four O' Clock |
Diffuse Knapweed |
Fendler's Pennycress |
Townsend Daisy |
Cutleaf Primrose |
Tufted Primrose |
Fairy Trumpet - Apex Park |
Scarlet Gaura - Green Mountain |
White Larkspur - Green Mountain |
Mouse-ear Chickweed - Mount Morrison |
Bricklebush - Chimney Gulch |
Fleabane Daisy |
Daisy |
Aster |
Pussytoes - Mount Falcon |
Miner's Candleflower - Mt Falcon |
Marsh Marigold - Summit County
Meadow Anenome - Apex Park |
Yarrow - Alderfer/3 Sisters Park |
White Paintbrush - near Vail Pass
Mariposa Lily - Mount Falcon Park |
Sand Lily - Chimney Gulch |
Hoary Allysum - Alderfer/3 Sisters Park |
Cow Parsnip - Summit County
Drummond's Milkvetch - Deer Creek |
White Lupine - Apex Park |
Bouncing Bet (Noxious Weed) - Mount Falcon
Prickly Poppy Flower - White Ranch |
Boulder Raspberry - Mount Falcon |
Canada Violet - Deer Creek |
Fendler's Waterleaf - Deer Creek |
Richardson Geranium - Beaver Brook |
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